
Thanks for choosing to support Demos this holiday season in Building a New Democracy!

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One time
every month
Join our Monthly Sustainer Fund, which allows you to spread your support over time and provides Dēmos with a dependable base for our day-to-day operations. As a special appreciation, anyone who makes a monthly contribution of $31 (approximately $1 per day) or more receives an official Dēmos Bottle, perfect for your hot or cold beverages, while you’re out demonstrating or enjoying moments of self-care. Thank you. #SustainDemos.
Join our Monthly Sustainer Fund, which allows you to spread your support over time and provides Dēmos with a dependable base for our day-to-day operations. As a special appreciation, anyone who makes a monthly contribution of $31 (approximately $1 per day) or more receives an official Dēmos Bottle, perfect for your hot or cold beverages, while you’re out demonstrating or enjoying moments of self-care. Thank you. #SustainDemos.

Tribute Donation? If yes, please provide the following:


Payment Info

Amount: $ 500.00 every month